Harrison County Master Street Address Guide

Harrison County, Missouri

This project objective was to inspect and update all 9-1-1 map data and Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) database for the county.

In 2018 the Harrison County Commissioners met with SAM (formerly Midland GIS Solutions) to discuss the inaccuracies of their 9-1-1 map data that hadn’t been updated since its creation. Having been our client since 2013, Harrison County administration was familiar with the professional services we provided, and contracted with us in 2018. The contract was to run an inspection, and make updates to, the county’s existing 9-1-1 map data, roads centerline data, address points, Emergency Services Number (ESN) boundaries and MSAG database.

Cross-referencing the GIS data with the MSAG and ESN boundaries, we linked both customer name and telephone number with the address point layer for complete 9-1-1 integration into the GIS. We also field-verified over 800 addresses across the county to ensure the data layer’s accuracy.

Today, Harrison County has a web-based GIS that is secure and manageable by county department staff from any computer or mobile device. The 9-1-1 database also allows first responder entities pinpoint accuracy when finding a 9-1-1 address point. Our firm provides all ongoing 9-1-1 map maintenance services to the county.

Project Details:
