Sean Weingartner

Sean Weingartner

Business Development Manager

Sean Weingartner has more than 34 years of transportation experience with a focus in utility coordination, SUE, and utility construction inspection. After beginning his career with SAM in the Dallas office managing SUE and utility coordination, he transferred to the Austin office in early 2012 to continue providing utility coordination and SUE services. In 2019 he moved into his role as the Business Development Manager and Senior Project Manager for the Utility Coordination Group in the Austin office. His vast utility related experience makes him a trusted advisor and partner to our clients.

Sean began his career with VDOT in 1988 as a surveyor and worked his way up into the utilities section in 1997. He served as the Hampton Roads District Utilities Engineer from 2004-2006 before moving to Austin. He is an active member of various organizations, including ASCE, AEC, ACEC, WTS, and AASHTO and regularly attends functions for all.

Sean’s favorite core value is People. He is constantly trying to enhance the utility coordination team by providing guidance and mentoring as well as looking for key staff to hire while pursuing work to keep his team and other SAM groups productive and prepared. Sean resides in Austin and in his spare time, he loves seeing live music, curating his vinyl record collection, and playing poker.