Surveying And Mapping has again been recognized by Engineering News Record (ENR) as one the top engineering design firms. SAM ranked number 126 on the highly regarded ENR Top 500 Design Firms list, which profiles leading engineering firms based on annual revenue. This is a significant advancement from the firm’s previous ranking of 146 in 2012. SAM also ranked 90 on the ENR list of Top 100 Pure Designers, a category that focuses on companies not engaged in construction.
In the subsequently published 2013 ENR Top Design Firm Sourcebook, SAM also ranked in several national market sector categories. For the Power market sector, the firm ranked 49; for Transmission and Distribution Plants the firm ranked 21; for Pipelines the firm ranked 10; and for Petroleum the firm ranked 25. Taken collectively, these rankings demonstrate a continued leading presence for the firm in national markets.
This is the second time that SAM has appeared on the noteworthy industry list. The firm’s position at such a high level reflects the exceptional growth and business success the firm continues to experience. SAM is one of the largest and fastest growing land surveying and aerial mapping companies in North America. In 2012, the firm grew their gross revenue to $91.6 million — a 28% growth rate over the previous year.
Subsequent to the national 2013 Top 500 rankings, ENR also ranks design firms by several regional categories:
For the Texas/Louisiana region SAM ranked 14 out of 101 firms, with a revenue of $62.9 million in the region. Within subcategories of the region, the firm ranked number 1 for surveying and mapping services and number 13 for revenue within Texas alone. The firm also ranked number 6 in the petroleum market sector and number 3 in the power market sector. Although SAM operates across North America, these exceptional rankings demonstrate the continued strong presence the firm has in its home market.
For the Midwest Region SAM ranked 50 out of 106 firms, with a revenue of $16.9 million in the region. The ENR Midwest Region includes the states of Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and eastern Missouri. Within the overall service categories for the Midwest SAM ranked number 1 for surveying and mapping services, based on revenue. For the regional subcategories the firm ranked number 23 in Indiana; number 72 in Illinois; number 12 in Ohio; number 45 in Wisconsin. Within the market sector categories the firm ranked number 1 in Petroleum; number 21 in Power; and number 50 in Transportation. Overall, these rankings exemplify SAM’s geographic expansion from its base in Texas to other parts of the country.
For Colorado/Wyoming in the Mountain States region, SAM ranked 33 out of 63 firms, with a revenue of $4.7 million in the region. The firm also ranked number 2 in the petroleum market sector and number 2 in surveying and mapping services. SAM opened a new full service office in Denver in 2012, so these rankings indicate how quickly the firm has been able to establish itself in that region.
SAM remains somewhat unique among firms appearing on the ENR list, with few companies of their size who specialize in surveying, mapping and geospatial solutions. The firm has established a reputation as being an industry leader in the application of new technologies such as mobile and airborne LiDAR to support engineering design. With five full service offices across the U.S. and about 500 employees, the company also has the ability to deploy resources quickly for large scale projects in multiple market sectors.
According to Samir “Sam” Hanna, RPLS and President of SAM “Our entire organization is proud by this accomplishment. As we continue to build a company that provides the highest-quality services for our clients, this is welcome recognition of our team’s hard work and success.”
The 2013 overall rankings appear in the April 29 edition of ENR magazine. The regional rankings appear in subsequent editions of the magazine. A copy of the rankings and a companion story is available online at the ENR website.
Update: This page was revised in June and July 2013 to include additional regional and market sector rankings, as each were later released.