SAM, Inc. Awarded ACEC Texas Engineering Excellence Award

December 1, 2011

SAM, Inc. has been awarded a Gold Medal in the 2012 Engineering Excellence Awards Competition held by the American Council of Engineering Companies of Texas (ACEC Texas). The competition has been held since 1975 to honor and recognize outstanding achievements within the engineering community.

The firm took the top place in the Surveying and Mapping Technology category for a project that utilized mobile LiDAR mapping to support streetscape improvements for downtown Austin’s historic Sixth Street. The project was performed for the City of Austin Public Works Department.

Click here to view project details.

The distinguished panel of judges from around the state selected the winning projects from 44 entries based on uniqueness, originality, technical, value to the engineering profession, complexity and how successfully the projects met the needs of the client.

SAM, Inc. is proud to have been recognized with this award for engineering excellence. We are committed to delivering the highest quality geospatial solutions and look forward to providing these for other engineering clients and programs in the future.