Governor of Michigan Appoints Chris Marbach to Michigan-Indiana State Line Commission

August 26, 2022

SAM is pleased to announce that Chris Marbach, Office Manager of our Elkhart office in Indiana, has been appointed to the Michigan-Indiana State Line Commission to help facilitate various surveying procedures over the next two years. Mr. Marbach received this appointment on July 28 directly from Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer.

The commission consists of 9 members from each state’s border counties, all appointed by the governor. Each member must be a registered surveyor under specific state regulations. For the past fifteen years, Mr. Marbach has been involved with a volunteer committee of surveyors to coordinate this collective group between the regions.

“After many years of supporting and promoting this initiative, we’re ready to move forward with this project for both states. I’m personally excited about the opportunity to review the survey data and see what the future holds,” said Chris Marbach.

As a commission member, Mr. Marbach will assist with hiring qualified contractors and oversee the retracement of mileposts delineating the 110-mile state line. Once completed, surveyors will establish GPS coordinates on the new points, and all data will be passed on to each state’s legislature for review.

“I am very proud to witness this distinct recognition of one of my colleagues. This honor is clear evidence of Chris’ commitment to the profession and adherence to high standards throughout his career,” shared Jeff Meyerrose, PLS, Regional Operations Manager.

Read Chris Marbach’s full appointment letter from the Governor of Michigan below.

“I am pleased to appoint you to the Michigan-Indiana State Line Commission to represent Cass County for a term commencing July 28, 2022 and expiring July 28, 2024. I have every confidence that you will find great personal satisfaction in this important position and that the State of Michigan will benefit from your background and experience. It is a great and noble privilege to serve the people of Michigan. I know that you will do the people’s work with excellence and integrity and that you will never take lightly the responsibility the people have given you. Thank you for taking on this challenge and thank you for working with me to build a strong and bright future for our great state.” – Governor, Gretchen Whitmer